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How long does it take to rank a website?
Timelines depend on the current situation of the website and the content. Typically a well performing website with good content can begin ranking in Google within 1-2 weeks.

Our typical clients tend to lean toward 3-4 weeks though due to the optimisations and technical foundation works needed up front.

To find out more about your website and project please get in touch

What companies do you manage SEO for?

We work with ambitious businesses from start-up businesses through to large organisations so we can tailor our services to meet your needs.

Are SEO services worth it?

SEO services allow your business to gain more visibility and attract new clients through Google. Just think of the number of times you go to Google to find out an answer or to find a product or service.

Our SEO services allow you to gain better traction and visilbity within your target audience.

Do you work with clients outside of the UK?

Yep! At Zatheo, we believe that every company should have access to professional SEO services. We use Slack, Zoom and many other applications that allow us to communicate seamlessly and collaboratively throughout a project so we can help you no matter where you are in the world.

SEO can be done remotely and doesn’t need to be onsite. The only thing we may need to consider is regional and locational context for your keyword rankings which we can continue. to discuss. 

How does SEO and PPC work together?

If you are wondering how SEO and PPC work together then you probably have been misguided already. 

SEO or search engine optimisation is all about optimising your business visibility in search engines. 

There is definately a split with Organic search and Paid search, but Paid or PPC campaigns still require optimisations to work in the best possible way. 

Paid campaigns bring a surge of clients based on keywords and raise awareness of your brand quicker, but this ultimately feeds into your SEO reach and awareness. 

What if we have a limited budget, will you still work with us?

Our mindset is that we want to work with ambitious clients with serious intent for their business.

If you are ambitious but initial cashflow and investment is an issue do not hesitate to still contact us as we can still help you.

Let us know what your budget is for SEO and your requirements we can look at commercials to see if we are a good fit.

If we know the budget, we can advise the best way of spending your money. 


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