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Know you need SEO services but not sure what kind, just explore our SEO services and we’ll steer you in the right direction

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Ecommerce SEO

Creating an ecommerce store is the beginning, getting your products found with targeted Ecommerce SEO 

Link Building

Generate that online reputation that your business needs to smash competitors out of the water.

Written by: Mike Dunkling

Founder & Digital Marketing Director


Alright, folks, let’s cut to the chase SEO for category pages is absolutely vital. Running an eCommerce site without optimising your category pages? You’re missing out on a goldmine of potential revenue. You might be all over your product listings and churning out blog posts, but those category pages? They’re the unsung heroes of your SEO strategy.

Here’s the deal: eCommerce category pages aren’t just a way for shoppers to find stuff. They are powerful, high-ranking pages in their own right. Nail the category page SEO on these bad boys, and you can drive organic traffic to dozens or even hundreds of individual products at once.

So, without further ado, here are 12 killer strategies to optimise your eCommerce category pages for SEO and watch your traffic—and sales—skyrocket.

Table of Contents

  • Types of Category Pages: Category listings pages (CLPs) and product listings pages (PLPs).
  • Keyword Targeting: Zero in on top-tier primary keywords along with secondary ones to flood your site with traffic and boost your earnings. Don’t forget to also add some focus to long-tail keywords that will bring that extra dimension to your search traffic.
  • Hierarchical Product Categories: Make it easy for search engine crawlers to navigate your site  tagging and for shoppers to find relevant products in parent category pages.
  • Consistent Layout: Enhance user experience and help customers find what they want. Utilise a clear and concise category title to help users identify where they are within the site.
  • Strategic Content: Use category content sparingly but effectively to guide purchasing decisions.
  • Conversion Boosters: Add product reviews and FAQs to improve conversion rates.
  • Visual Appeal: Use high-quality product images and alt text to grab attention and improve SEO.
  • Internal Linking: Internal Linking: Boost your link authority and guide shoppers effortlessly to the right categories. Make sure categories are organised with links back to a parent category where applicable.

What Are Category Pages?

e-Commerce category pages are the backbone of your online store, helping users find related products and subcategories. Essentially there are two types of e-Commerce category page types that help users in their journeys:

  1. Category Listings Pages (CLPs): These list other child categories or broader categories.
  2. Product Listings Pages (PLPs): These list individual products.

In order to ensure you have optimised your category pages you need to consider best practice. In short the design is constructed of simple elements: 

  • A structured H1 title that specifically details the keyword for the category. 
  • At least one description section to the page. Sometimes we utilise more than one to allow for content at the top of the page and bottom. But keep it simple to start with. 
  • A list of products related to the category or a list of sub-categories/child categories. 

That’s it. Ensuring you have at least these three core elements will mean you are really starting that journey of optimising the category pages. 

Why are category pages important for e-Commerce SEO?

Category pages target broad, high-volume search queries like “t-shirts” or “dog toys.” The aim is target terms that drive higher transactional intent, meaning they can generate a lot of revenue. Plus, they help both users and search engines navigate your site, boosting the ranking of individual product pages through internal links.

Targeting High-Volume Keywords

High-volume keywords are the bread and butter of SEO. These are the terms that people search for the most, and they often have high commercial intent. By optimising your product categories for these keywords, you can attract a large number of qualified leads to your site.

For example, if you run an online clothing store, you might target keywords like “men’s jeans” or “women’s dresses.” These are broad terms that a lot of people search for, and they can drive a significant amount of traffic to your site.

Enhancing User and Search Engine Navigation

Category pages help users find what they’re looking for quickly and easily. They organise your products into logical groups, making it easy for shoppers to browse your store. For search engines, category pages provide a clear structure that helps them understand the relationship between different pieces of content on your site.

How you optimise category pages for SEO

With a solid understanding of how important your category pages can be and how they are typically structured we can now focus on how to optimise them for SEO. In this section I’ll delve into the core of this optimisation and what the keys every eCommerce website should consider. 

1. Use intuitive category structures – that make sense

When it comes to mastering eCommerce category page SEO, the secret sauce isn’t just about SEO tactics. It’s all about the art of category structure. If your product organization doesn’t make sense, you’re practically inviting shoppers to hit the back button. Trust me, a confusing site layout is a surefire way to lose potential customers faster than you can say “bounce rate.”

So, how do you keep them engaged? Start by sorting your products into broad, intuitive categories—think men’s fashion, women’s apparel, and kids’ clothing. Once that’s nailed down, dive deeper. Break these broad categories into more specific segments like jeans, t-shirts, and activewear. And don’t stop there! Drill down to those niche long-tail categories such as women’s running leggings to cater to every shopper’s need.

This streamlined approach not only keeps your visitors happy but also guides them seamlessly through your store, leading them right to the checkout.

Example: Adidas

SEO for Content Pages - Navigation

Check out Adidas for a stellar example of intuitive category navigation, breaking down products seamlessly for easy browsing. Keeping structures simple, intuitive and maintainable is key. 

Just as important is taking a side glance at your competition. How are they setup? What are they doing well and what can you replicate in your category structures.

2. Build a category hierarchy using url

Navigating the world of eCommerce can feel like a maze, especially when it comes to getting your pages noticed by search engines. The good news? You can sidestep many of these headaches with a rock-solid URL structure. 

Think of it as laying down the tracks for a high-speed train—smooth, direct, and efficient. A well-crafted URL not only guides search engines effortlessly through your site but also ensures that every valuable page gets the spotlight it deserves.

Make sure that your category page URL is reflective of the keyword and products you are trying to optimise for. Use keyword research tools to find out which categories have a good search volume in search engines and should ultimately form part of the core category url structures to improve

An eCommerce hierarchy is critical for a couple of reasons:

  • Search Engine Understanding: It helps search engines understand the structure of your website.
  • Improved Usability and UX:Boosting your website’s usability is like giving your visitors a VIP experience. It enhances user experience (UX), keeps them satisfied, and slashes that pesky bounce rate. When your site is easy to navigate and a joy to use, customers stick around longer, explore more, and are far more likely to convert.

Building a solid hierarchy is your secret weapon for supercharging SEO on your category pages. It’s like handing your users a map, making it a breeze for them to find exactly what they’re looking for. 

Plus, a sharp URL structure ensures Google doesn’t overlook any of your golden content. On the flip side, a messy URL setup can confuse search engines, causing them to miss key pages or repeatedly crawl the same content, slowing down your site’s performance.

Example: eCommerce Clothing Store 

Let’s take a look at a common eCommerce clothing store structure. With multiple different categories and structures a good hierarchy would look something like:


No matter how you design your URL structure, keep it clean and straightforward. Ditch the numbers, dates, and special characters—they only clutter things up. And remember, less is more. Stick to three or four layers of subcategories at most. If you go deeper, you risk turning your site into a labyrinth that even Google can’t navigate efficiently.

3. Optimise Your Title Tags and Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions and title tags are integral to SEO for category pages.

Title Tags

Title tags are the powerhouse of on-page SEO. They communicate the essence of your page to search engines and shape how your page appears in search results. This is the first impression users get when choosing which site to explore, so make it count!

A well-written title tag should be:

  • Craft your title tags to be concise
  • Relevant
  • Descriptive and packed with keywords relevant to the products on show
  • All within 60 characters to grab attention in search results.

You’ll also want to optimise content with the right keywords and phrases.

Meta Descriptions

Think of meta descriptions as your elevator pitch to search engines. They provide a snapshot of your page and entice searchers to click through. To craft killer meta descriptions:

  • Keep them concise (155 characters or less), 
  • Sprinkle in relevant keywords without overstuffing
  • Refresh them regularly. 

Your goal? A compelling, keyword-rich teaser that draws visitors in!

Example: Meta Title and Meta Description 

Title Tag: Men’s Bomber Jackets | Shop Stylish Bomber Jackets

Meta Description: Explore our range of men’s bomber jackets. Discover stylish and versatile options perfect for any occasion. Enjoy free shipping on orders over £50.

While Google might occasionally adjust your title tags and meta descriptions, it’s vital to optimise them. They remain a key component of your SEO arsenal, so ensure they pack a punch!

Make sure you’re optimising the category page content for the primary keyword you expect your customers to be looking for, as well as ensuring this is added to you meta details.

4. Create a Consistency in your layouts 

When potential customers hit your site, you need to wow them right off the bat, converting browsers into buyers. Yet, the reality? Many leave feeling underwhelmed by their digital experience. Let’s change that narrative!

Make sure you are flaming consistent with clear and well defined category titles and category descriptions that feed the user with key information.

Improving Customer Satisfaction

How do you boost customer satisfaction? Start by crafting a uniform layout across your category pages. When each page follows the same structure, shoppers can effortlessly navigate your site, knowing exactly where to find what they need and how to filter their options. It’s all about creating a seamless shopping journey!

Steps to Create a Consistent Layout

  • Select a basic colour scheme.
  • Use the same header and footer on all site pages to create recognisable branding for your store and improve navigation.
  • Try to stick to the same fonts throughout your site.
  • Organise your products the same way on all site pages.
  • Place calls-to-action (CTAs) in the same place on every page.

If in doubt, err on the side of functionality over design. A consistent layout will save you a lot of work, too, since it will make creating new category pages very easy.

5. Stick it to the user – with concise content

One big blunder in eCommerce category page SEO is drowning your pages in text. Keep it sharp and concise—stick to a few hundred words max. You want to engage shoppers, not overwhelm them!

Make sure that you are careful not to simply duplicate content though – hell will break open and swallow you up. Alternatively you may just be penalised in search results.

Either way you could be missing opportunities with popular products not being shown directly to your users.

Mastering Copywriting

Kick things off with a captivating headline, a snappy category description, and a powerful call to action. Deliver punchy, actionable insights that propel shoppers down the purchase path. 

Focus on what matters

  • Highlight product USPs, 
  • Your selection process, 
  • Sourcing secrets. 

And remember, keep it scannable for maximum impact!

6. Address commonly asked questions 

Looking to supercharge your SEO with keyword-rich content? Dive into the goldmine of customer questions by crafting a killer FAQ section. This isn’t just about padding your pages with keywords; it’s about delivering real value. By answering the burning questions your customers have, you’re not only enhancing your SEO but also building trust and authority.

Start by gathering the most common inquiries from your customer support team or using tools like AnswerThePublic to discover what your audience is asking. Address these questions clearly and concisely, using language that resonates with your target market. Each answer should be packed with relevant keywords, but keep it natural—no one likes keyword stuffing.

Your FAQ section becomes a powerful tool in your arsenal, guiding potential buyers through their decision-making process and keeping them engaged on your site longer. Plus, a well-crafted FAQ can earn you a spot in Google’s coveted “People Also Ask” section, driving even more traffic to your category pages.

Fostering Trust and Boosting Conversions

Want to turn casual visitors into loyal customers? Start by building trust and watch your conversion rates soar. The secret sauce? Address the real questions your shoppers are asking. Tap into the insights from your customer support team to uncover genuine queries, rather than guessing what you think they want to know.

By providing honest, straightforward answers, you’re not just creating a helpful resource—you’re establishing your brand as a trusted authority. This transparency reassures potential buyers, making them more likely to complete a purchase.

But it doesn’t stop there. A well-crafted FAQ section can also propel your site into Google’s “People Also Ask” section. This prime real estate in search results not only boosts your visibility but also funnels more traffic to your site, setting the stage for even higher conversion rates. So, answer those burning questions, and let your expertise shine!

Did you realise that nearly 90% of buyers dive into FAQs before committing to a purchase? That’s a huge chunk of your audience seeking clarity and confidence in their buying decisions. But here’s the thing—you don’t need to dominate your category page with these sections.

Instead, weave these insights naturally among your product listings or position them subtly at the page’s end. This approach maintains your page’s sleek design while providing the essential answers your customers are looking for. By doing this, you achieve a harmonious blend of style and substance, keeping your layout tidy and your audience informed.

7. Leverage the power of product reviews

Why limit glowing reviews to just your product pages? Bring the persuasive power of social proof to your category pages and watch your conversion rates climb. According to Power Reviews, ratings and testimonials often outweigh price, shipping, and even personal recommendations when it comes to influencing purchase decisions. That’s right—customer feedback is the secret weapon you can’t afford to ignore.

Effortless Review Integration

Worried about disrupting your page’s design? Fear not. You can integrate reviews smoothly without sacrificing aesthetics. Take a page from Emma Sleep’s playbook, where a sleek, scrolling feed of customer feedback graces their category pages. This subtle yet powerful addition enhances credibility and encourages potential buyers to take the plunge, all while maintaining a clean and cohesive look.

Example category with reviews: 

8. Prioritise the user experience

User experience is the backbone of any successful website, and it’s especially critical on your category pages—often the front door to your entire site. These pages need to be intuitive and engaging, offering a seamless journey that keeps visitors hooked from the moment they land. When you nail the UX here, you set the stage for deeper engagement and higher conversions across the board.

Tips for Ensuring a Great UX

  1. Page Load Speed: Make sure the page loads quickly, especially for mobile devices. Category pages are often image-heavy, but it’s important to use high-quality product images and optimise them with the use of a content delivery network (CDN) if necessary.
  2. Craft Crystal-Clear Headlines and Subheadings: Your headlines and subheadings should act as signposts, guiding visitors effortlessly through your content. Make them sharp and descriptive, ensuring that anyone landing on your page instantly grasps its relevance to their needs. This clarity not only enhances user engagement but also helps in steering them smoothly toward the information or products they’re seeking.
  3. Design a Flawless Layout: Your page layout should be a masterpiece of organisation, free from any confusing twists and turns. Employ clear sections, intuitive filters, and smart sorting options to ensure visitors can effortlessly locate what they’re after. A streamlined design keeps them engaged and on the path to purchase.
  4. Highlight Essential Product Details: Don’t leave your customers guessing—provide all the vital product information they need, from colors and sizes to volume and more. These details are crucial for informed decision-making and can be the difference between a casual browser and a committed buyer.
  5. Implement Faceted Navigation: Transform your sprawling category pages into easily navigable spaces with faceted navigation. This feature allows users to refine their search effortlessly, making it a breeze to sift through extensive product ranges and zero in on exactly what they desire.

Example: GymShark

Gym Shark has thousands of women’s clothes for sale whether that be women’s tops, leggings or hoodies. It’s essential therefore that they do not leave users in the lurch with poor faceted navigation. Therefore having faceted filters becomes an essential part of the journey for a user to narrow down their searches. 

9. Showcase stunning visuals

In the world of online shopping, a picture is worth more than a thousand words—it’s worth sales. According to Etsy, a staggering 90% of shoppers rank photo quality as a top factor in their buying decisions. Elevate your eCommerce category page SEO by featuring high-quality, context-rich images that captivate and convert. Let your visuals do the talking and watch your products fly off the virtual shelves.

Crafting Captivating Images

To make your product images truly pop, consider these strategies:

  • Showcase products in real-life settings or during use.
  • Capture them from various angles.
  • Ensure your main and thumbnail images are irresistibly engaging.

Example: Patagonia

Take a cue from Patagonia’s approach. Their category pages feature dynamic, in-context shots that let you envision how their outdoor gear performs in action.

And don’t overlook the importance of alt text for every image. While search engines can’t see images, alt text provides context and boosts your chances of ranking in Google’s image results.

10. Harnessing the power of internal links

Category pages thrive on internal linking. Naturally, each product linked is an internal connection. However, the real magic happens when you link to other category pages. Consider adding sections like “Top Picks” or “Featured Collections” to guide users seamlessly through related categories, enhancing both navigation and SEO.

Trailblazing with Breadcrumb Navigation

Breadcrumb navigation is your secret weapon for seamlessly connecting category pages with the rest of your site. This feature not only simplifies user navigation but also aids search engines in efficiently indexing your content.

Ensure you’re weaving links to category pages from your homepage and throughout your blog posts. For instance, Patagonia subtly integrates links to relevant categories right from the opening lines of their blog articles, creating a cohesive and intuitive journey for users.

11. Enhance with structured data

Structured data is the blueprint that organizes your page’s content in a uniform way. You’ve likely encountered it in forms like rich snippets or local business listings. By leveraging various types of structured data, you can significantly boost the SEO of your eCommerce category pages. 

This strategy ensures your content is not only well-organised but also more visible and appealing to search engines, giving you an edge in the digital marketplace.

Unlocking the Power of Structured Data

Structured data comes in many forms, each serving a unique purpose:

  • FAQs: Capture common customer queries.
  • Breadcrumbs: Create a hierarchical map of your site’s structure.
  • ItemList: Showcase your product lineup.
  • Store: Provide essential store details like shipping info and hours.
  • Review: Highlight customer feedback.

Incorporating these types of structured data enhances your website’s appearance in search results, making it more attractive and informative to both users and search engines.

12. Mastering conversion rate optimisation

Conversion rate optimisation (CRO) is both an art and a science, focused on transforming casual visitors into loyal customers. It involves experimenting with various on-page elements to see how they influence conversion rates.

Key Elements to Test for CRO

To elevate your category page conversions, consider testing:

  • Headlines: Capture attention and convey value.
  • Body Text: Engage with compelling and concise copy.
  • Visuals: Use impactful images that resonate.
  • CTAs: Craft clear and persuasive calls to action.
  • Color Schemes: Experiment with hues that drive action.
  • Review Placement: Position testimonials for maximum impact.

Remember, optimisation is an ongoing journey. Even after improvements, there’s always room for more refinement. Keep testing and tweaking to continually boost your conversion success.


How many words should a category page include for optimal SEO?

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer. The main goal is to ensure your H1 tag is keyword-rich and that you provide at least 100 words of meaningful content to assist shoppers in their buying journey. You can certainly add more, especially if you’re addressing common questions or offering product insights.

Is it more beneficial to optimise category pages or product pages for SEO?

Both are essential! Category pages are great for capturing broad, high-volume keywords, while product pages are ideal for targeting specific, long-tail keywords. To maximise your SEO impact, it’s wise to invest in optimising both types of pages and measure which performs best for your offerings.

Be sure to optimise for both primary and secondary keywords.

Do category pages enhance SEO?

Yes, they do. Category pages can be a powerful tool in boosting your site’s SEO, but achieving this requires a thoughtful strategy and ongoing optimization efforts.

Follow these tips in this article to optimise the SEO on your category pages:

  • Build a hierarchy with category URLs
  • Optimise metadata
  • Create a consistent layout to showcase the different types of products you have available
  • Use copy wisely and ensure it’s quality content
  • Answer consumers’ questions
  • Provide high-quality visuals
  • Offer a seamless user experience
  • Use conversion optimisation

Can category pages achieve high rankings?

Absolutely, though not all are created equal. To boost your category pages in search results, ensure they are well-linked internally, feature relevant keywords in headings and content, showcase high-quality images, and are backed by strong technical SEO.

Is it beneficial to index category pages?

Indexing your category pages is crucial. It helps Google grasp your site’s structure and content, which can enhance your rankings. Moreover, it can increase click-through rates from search results, as users are more inclined to visit pages that match their queries.

Do categories and tags enhance SEO?

Yes, indirectly. They provide a structural framework that aids SEO. While Google’s John Mueller notes that tags aren’t directly recognised for ranking, they serve as links to category or tag pages, potentially boosting their visibility and link equity.

How many categories should your blog feature?

Striking the right balance is key. You want enough categories to facilitate easy navigation without overwhelming readers. Typically, 5-10 categories work well for most blogs, though more may be needed for news sites to cover diverse topics.


It’s time to shine a spotlight on your category pages—they’re more than just placeholders in your eCommerce lineup. These pages are the secret pathways that lead your customers to their final purchase decisions. By weaving in strategic internal links, refining your site’s structure, and injecting powerful conversion tools like FAQs and customer reviews, you can dramatically enhance your site’s visibility and user engagement. Now’s the moment to transform these pages into conversion powerhouses. Roll up those sleeves and unleash their true potential!