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Web Design

Creative web design for generating new leads, bookings or sales.

Ecommerce Web Design

Creative ecommerce web design for generating new leads, bookings or sales.

Landing Page Web Design

Creative an impression and convert those customers with an effective landing page to support any campaign


Know you need SEO services but not sure what kind, just explore our SEO services and we’ll steer you in the right direction

Technical SEO

Build the foundation of your website and organic growth

Onsite SEO

Generate more organic traffic with targeted efficient onsite SEO 

Local SEO

Look beyond just SERPS and reach the audiences in your locale improve your localised visibility

Ecommerce SEO

Creating an ecommerce store is the beginning, getting your products found with targeted Ecommerce SEO 

Link Building

Generate that online reputation that your business needs to smash competitors out of the water.


Web Design

Web Design

Creative web design for generating new leads, bookings or sales.

Ecommerce Web Design

Creative ecommerce web design for generating new leads, bookings or sales.


Landing Page Web Design

Creative an impression and convert those customers with an effective landing page to support any campaign




Know you need SEO services but not sure what kind, just explore our SEO services and we’ll steer you in the right direction

Technical SEO

Build the foundation of your website and organic growth

Onsite SEO

Generate more organic traffic with targeted efficient onsite SEO 

Local SEO

Look beyond just SERPS and reach the audiences in your locale improve your localised visibility

Ecommerce SEO

Creating an ecommerce store is the beginning, getting your products found with targeted Ecommerce SEO 

Link Building

Generate that online reputation that your business needs to smash competitors out of the water.

Written by: Mike Dunkling

Founder & Digital Marketing Director


Are you looking to learn how to give access to Google Analytics? If you are then we should really look at what Google Analytics is and what access levels you can provide.

Google Analytics is a crucial tool in your marketing toolbox that will help you track your business performance and analytics. Having this data at your disposal means you can see what areas are performing for you and where your opportunities are for growth.

Some of the most common reasons you’ll want to use Google Analytics for are:

It’s common practice to provide additional users need to gain access to your analytics data to help with this mining and analysis. Whether it’s an internal data team, marketing team or an outsourced SEO agency like us here at Zatheo.

Before you dive in and start providing access to everyone, make sure you understand the different access levels. This step-by-step guide will give you what you need to provide access to others securely.

Knowing your Google Analytics responsibilities

You have a responsibility to keep your Google Analytics data, customer information and visitors secure. In order to do so you need to understand the different levels you could give users to, and under what situations you should do so.

There are five roles that can be assigned to users.


As an administrator you will be given full control of analytics. You can manage users, grant permissions for any account or property that the role has access to and also provides the same permissions included in the editorial role.


As an editor you are given full control of the settings at a property level you will not be permitted to manage users. This role also provides permissions that an Analyst role id


Analyst roles in Google Analytics can create, edit and delete certain property assets such as Explorations. You’ll be given access to collaborate and share assets and also have access to all the permissions from the Viewer role.


Viewers quite simply have access to view information in Google Analytics like settings and data but will not be able to collaborate on shared assets like shared explorations. You will be able to view them, but you cannot edit.

As a viewer you will also be able to change which data appears in reports through the addition of comparisons and adding of secondary dimensions.


The user has no role for resources.

You should ensure that you always have the ability to Manage Users access, and that you only give this access level to users that you trust.

If you have accounts on other Google platforms such as Google Search Console, Google My Business, or Google Tag Manager, we recommend that you also use this one, single login for those accounts. Having one account will make it easier to navigate to other tools within the Google Marketing Platform and will prevent any hassle or confusion when switching between them.

In Google Analytics there are three main levels in the hierarchy; accounts, properties and views. These layers give you the ability to give access to users based on particular requirements.


If you have access to the accounts then you have ultimate control over the Google Analytics account. You’ll have the ability to alter features, manager users and manage websites within the account.

Only users who need to make wide scale alterations within the account should have access to the account level. That includes owners of the account, marketing managers or even on occasion trusted third parties.


Property access gives the ability to create tasks and posts and set up, track and view analytics features. If you provide access to the property then be aware these users will have access to most of the features within Google Analytics which makes it handy to give to marketing teams or smaller outsourced marketing teams for specific campaigns.


Views give you different ways to able to dissect the data within Google Analytics. It’s recommended that you always have at least two views setup that view level users can analyse. One is a “Raw” data view which is as it states a complete raw view of the data including internal users and unfiltered data sets. The second is a “Master” which should be a slightly filtered version of “Raw” which excludes data from bots, unwelcome traffic sources or even internal users.

If you are just looking for analysts to purely review your data then providing access to the view is the right approach.

How to grant access to Google Analytics

So now you know a bit more about the levels of permissions in Google Analytics how do you give access to Google Analytics in 2022? (because Google always change things) Quite simply, follow the guide below:

  1.  Log into Google Analytics

2. In the bottom left-hand corner, there will be a gear icon or an expanded view with a gear icon and Admin label. Click on it to access the Admin section

Expanded navigation in Google Analytics

3. Select the Account column, and click Account access management. You will be shown the users and their access permissions.

Account access management view

4. In the top right corner, click the blue plus button to add a new user

5. Click to add users

6. Here you will be able to add the user information required including the permissions and roles you require

Google Analytics – Add roles and data restrictions

7. Click on the Add button in the top right

8.You have now successfully added a new user.


Google continue to adapt their products and services, and with this comes a change in interface and process. We’ll be back next year with another guide on How to give access to Google Analytics, but for now enjoy the content and happy marketing.

You’ll be able to measure how your web design is performing by giving the right people access to your Google Analytics account.